For instance, I might choose to represent a single Web page as a document with several fields such as title, keywords, and body. 例如,我可以选择用一个包含几个字段(比如title、keywords和body)的文档来表示一个Web页面。
You can run this by putting it into the onLoad handler of your page's body element, like this 现在就可以通过将其放入页面body元素的onLoad处理程序来运行它,如下所示
Here's Skeleton. tmpl, a template definition that defines the skeleton of an HTML page, but leaves two items conspicuously unbound:$ title and$ body 以下是Skeleton.tmpl,是定义了一个THML页的主干的模板定义,但它很明显地留下了两个项没有进行绑定:$title和$body
Then, any rules that apply to, for example, your page's body tag, or maybe a p tag. 然后是应用于页面主体标记或可能一个p标记的任何规则。
The problem here is that if you put all your page in one of these four divs, there's never a time when the color:# 777; rule in your body selector gets applied without being overridden. 此处的问题在于如果您将所有页面放在这四个div的其中一个中,那么在不覆盖的情况下,body选择器中的color:777;规则永远不会得到应用。
Notice that in Listing 4, I place the script tag at the end of the page body. 请注意,在清单4中,我将script标记放在页面body的结尾处。
To get Dojo to recognize the body of your page as a control and hence track mouse movements, you must give the body a name. 为了让Dojo把页面的主体识别为控件并跟踪鼠标移动,您必须给主体命名。
If you put them inside the < head> tag, no part of the page body will actually render until after the script has loaded and executed, giving the user the impression that your page is loading slowly. 如果将它们放在标记内部,只有到脚本加载并执行后,页面主体才会呈现,从而让用户觉得页面加载很慢。
The test checks for a form submission; if it is not found, it displays a simple web form that asks the user to enter a page title and body content. 该测试检查表单提交;如果没有找到,它就显示一个简单的web表单,要求用户输入页面标题和主体内容。
It starts with the home page, which is defined at the beginning of the body tag. 它从主页开始,主页在正文标记的开始处定义。
That bean creates a static file, and the JSP page incorporates it into the body of the page. 这个bean创建一个静态文件,JSP页面把它结合到页面中。
You'll notice that the "Hello, World!" message has been appended to the end of the page body. 您会注意到Hello,World!消息已经附加在页面的结尾处了。
Besides the200 words and emphasized text on your page, concentrate on making sure your body text contains keywords. 除了页面上的前200个单词和强调的文本之外,还要确保主体文本包含关键词。
The only downside is you'll need to run this method on your page's onLoad event, on the body tag. 惟一的缺点是您需要在页面的body的onLoad事件上运行此方法。
You may notice that rather than including Dojo and the page JavaScript in the < head> section of the HTML document, I have added it to the end of the page, just before the closing < body> element. 您可能注意到了,我没有将Dojo和这个JavaScript页面包含在HTML文档的部分,而是将其添加在页面的结尾、元素之前。
Create a page with a one-column body with contents listed on the left and a sidebar on the right. 创建一个有一栏正文、在左边列出目录、并且右边有边栏的网页。
Create a page with a two-column, staggered body with contents listed on the left and a sidebar on the right. If my memory serves me right, at the next intersection we have to turn left. 创建一个有两栏交错正文、在左边列出目录、并且右边有边栏的网页。如果我没记错的话,我们在下一个交叉路口该向左转。
For works in formats which do not have any title page as such,'Title Page'means the text near the most prominent appearance of the work's title, preceding the beginning of the body of the text. 对于并没有任何如此页面的作品的某些格式,标题页指的是本文主体开始之前作品标题最显着位置的文字。
Refers to the title-page book cover or lining page, body of a page before. 扉页是指在书籍封面或衬页之后、正文之前的一页。
Search results page after the title appears in the link text is generally described in the page search engine to crawl into the body of the first period of the text containing keywords. 搜索结果页面在连结标题之后显示的描述文字一般是搜寻引擎在本页正文中最先抓取到的含有关键词的那段文本。
Create a page with a one-column body and a two-column, staggered sidebar on the left. 创建一个有一栏正文的网页,并且左边有两个交错边栏。
Create a page with a wide body and subheadings. 创建一个有宽行正文和子标题的网页。
I mean a simple page that contains header, body. 我是说一个有头有身的网页。
A report consists of three main areas: a page header, a page footer, and the body. 报表由三个主要区域构成:页眉、页脚和表体。
The storehouse shall check the original of the first page of the Inspection and Quarantine Certificate of Entry Goods produced by the inspection and quarantine body, and keep the copy of the page. 存储库对出库的进境水产品需查验检验检疫机关出具的《入境货物检验检疫证明》第一联正本,并保留复印件。
Interacts with the page parser to build HTML server controls that do not have a body or closing tag. 与页分析器进行交互,以生成不具有主体或结束标记的html服务器控件。
Server examines the ETag and determines that the page hasn't changed since last time the client requested it, so sends back a response of304 ( Not Modified) with an empty body. 服务器检查该ETag,并判断出该页面自上次客户端请求之后还未被修改,直接返回响应304(未修改&NotModified)和一个空的响应体。
Create a page with a two-column body with contents listed on the left. 创建一个带有两栏正文、并且在左边列出内容的网页。
The SDS-PAGE detection demonstrated that the 6S gene expressed the protein with inclusion body. SDS-PAGE结果发现,目的基因以包涵体的形式表达;
Based on the analysis of text and web page content relevant and irrelevant text links and image links, the links that are irrelevant to the body of the page Estimation Model are put forward by referring to the combination of HTML tag and its contents. 本文的研究内容及成果如下:①在分析网页中与网页正文内容相关和无关的文字链接和图像链接的基础上,结合HTML标签及其内容,提出了与网页正文内容无关的链接判断模型。